Cooper in the Gardens at the Belogio(?) in Vegas. It was cool to see all the flowers. They had my favorite. Tulips There was a mime out on the corner when we were walking around. It was so cool and so much fun. Loved it.
Those that wondered around the strip with us. Me, Cooper, Nate, Cloey, Braden, my mom Terry, my dad Neal, and Aulani. Jared is taking the picture.
At the holtel we stayed in well really it was condos, my parents of a time share, they had a lazy river to play in. We had so much fun going around and around that thing. The kids loved it.
Cooper in the lazy river
Braden and Nate playing tag in the river
Jared, Nate and Braden playing tag
Cloey and me
Jared be dramatic
Butterflies that were with the flowers. They were so fun to see.
We didn't go on the tour that handed out the hats but, this nice couple that did and didn't want to take their hats with them asked if my kids could have theirs. They were so excited about it.
The bridge they are building so you can't drive accross it the dam any more. Getting close to being done.
Cloey making electricity.
Cooper making electricity
Ok back the first part of March my family, brothers and sisters and my parents and of coarse all the grand kids (nieces and nephews) went to Southern California for the week. Well Nate had just changed jobs so he could not go for that long. So I went and rode down with my parents in their car and had fun for the week. We left on a Saturday and I felt bad that Nate could not go so we decided that he would come to Las Vegas, since we were spending Saturday night there anyways and play for at least the day. So we took part of the day and went over to the Hoover Dam and took a tour. It was fun and Nate totally loved it.
At the St. George Temple. It was so much fun. We went to see Nate's friend Ryan that lives down there. We are so excited to have to close to us and do things with them. Cooper
Nate watching the kids swim
Cloey swimming. My grandparents winter in St. George and every year my parents go down and stay over a weekend. We went down Sunday and went to church with them. We then went back to my parents condo (timeshare) and had dinner. The kids wanted to swim while dinner was cooking. They had so much fun. Nate, and I went to visit Ryan and Karen. It was grand fun. Can't wait to do it again.
Cooper finally got his birthday present like 7 months late. We kept telling him after we move we would get him a bike. That is when we were moving to Vernal. Well we didn't move to Vernal and he finally got it and loves to ride it.
My brother Jacob and his cute little family. His wife April that is so awesome and does so much while going to school to get her Masters. Brenden will be three in May and Tijia is 18 months old. They have number three coming in November.
After the Menlove party in Salt Lake we all came back to Nephi and spend the night. We got up Saturday morning and had breakfast. Then we had our little Menlove party. It was a lot of fun.
The nieces and nephews openning Aunt Mur's gifts. They wer so much fun.
Cooper playing with the waffle maker. Nate is holding Tijia. He wants more kids.
Every year we get together and do Christmas with all of my dad's brother's and sisters and their kids. It is always so amazing how many of us show up every year. I would love to applaud my grandmother for never giving up on getting us together every year. It is always so much fun and great to see everyone. That is the best part of all of it.
Nathan was born and raised in Mapleton, UT. He has 1 brother and two sisters. He is the oldest and then it is Lincoln (Yu Fang), Kristen (Micheal), and Brittany. Nathan graduated in 1995. Served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints (LDS) in Richmond, Virgina. Attended Utah Valley University and earned a degree in Electrical Automation and Robotics Technology. He enjoys doing electrical things. He worked for several contractors. He loves the industrial mechanics. We worked for Georgia Pacific for two years.He is currently working for a company in Provo. Pacific State Pipe and liking the job.
My Family
Vacation 2007
I was born and raised in Nephi, UT. I have 5 brotheres and 4 sisters. MaryAnn is the oldest, Richard is next then it is me, Ben (Maria), Jacob (April), KaraLee, Jared, Aulani, Braden. I graduated in 1998. I have attended Snow College and Utah Valley University. In June of 1999 I was married to the love of my life Nathan Walpole. On July 23, 2001 I gave birth to a beautiful boy we named Nathaniel "Cooper" Walpole. Then on April 27, 2003 I gave birth to lovely little girl we name Cloey Walpole. We lived in Provo from 1999 till 2005. We then moved to Richfield area and have lived there ever since.
Cooper is our typical little boy. He loves to play outside and get very dirty. His dad has taught him well. He is seven years old and is looking forward to getting baptized next year. When first asked who was going to baptize him he responded Uncle Jake. He has since decided that Dad is a good option too. He arrived in our life July 23, 2001. He was a very good baby and not one for to much attention he has been that way ever since. He has such a tender heart and makes friends with everyone. He loves being in 2nd grade, and reading.
Our Little Dancer
Is is our fun loving 5 year old. She makes life so much fun. She entered our home on April 27, 2003. She has been a handful every since. She loves taking dance. This year she started Kindergarten and is loving every minute of. The other day I wanted her to stay at home sick and she wanted to go because she was afraid her friends at school would worry about her.